I created a VS-bird cone catch model based off my non-UV-sensitive camera and using the Peafowl 400-700 visual system. After applying it to the mspec of interest, I’m wondering if there is any way to export only the fourth channel (double cone values) as a TIFF file?
Hi Joe,
Assuming you’re using the built-in 400-700nm Peafowl receptor sensitivities, then the last channel (4th channel) in the output cone catch image is the double “dbl” channel. If you only want this channel you can use ImageJ’s “duplicate” function and select only the 4th channel.
The visual model you have used might not have a specified luminance channel. You can, however, create the luminance channel of your choice by either modifying the spectral sensitivity file (i.e. adding the sensitivity of a specific receptor) and re-training your visual model OR by creating a luminance channel as a combination or copy of existing channels via the steps explained here: http://www.empiricalimaging.com/knowledge-base/adding-a-luminance-channel/. I hope this helps!