My software was working fine but now it says Macro Error whenever I try and generate a multispectral image and says
index (0) out of 0–1 range in line 199
dialog. addChoice (“Camera type”, infonames, default setting [0 <]>);
im not sure what I did wrong?
Macro Error Generate Multispectral Image
Nic Answered question November 23, 2020
After I tried to reinstall my software and verified my toolbox was in the correct folder, I now can’t load previous mspec files , where it shows an error of “no such file or directory” in line 218 or generate a multi spectral image and it shows the error message of “no such file or directory” in line 55.
what can I do? Thank you again for your help!
Macro Error Generate Multispectral Image
jolyon Changed status to publish November 26, 2020
Hi Nic,
It sounds like it’s still not installed correctly. Double check the locations of the files. Start with a new ImageJ, follow the details on the downloads page and make sure everything is in the right place.
It’s really important you follow the OS-specific instructions. e.g. move ImageJ to somewhere like “Documents” not downloads or system-protected locations. Don’t try and run it from the zip file itself (except on macOS). Some systems do all sorts of weird things stopping files from being written/read.