I got this error when running QCPA under the UV-perceptive blue tit system (Bluetit 0.05):
Error: “Etk_f6_Nikon_D7000_Nikkor_105mm_D65_to_Bluetit_D65_Acuity6_Dist500_WholeImage_WeberFiltered_itr5_rad5_fall3_Cluster_IDs” not found in line 344:
selectImage ( imLabel + <“_Cluster_IDs”> ) ;
The cone-catch image was created properly without error with the setting: Nikon D7000-Nikkor 105 mm-D65 300-700-blue tit 300-700. All other QCPA setting were as recommended in the tutorial. I had been doing the same analyses with the UV-insensitive blue tit system without any issues. Any help would be much appreciated!
Are you using AcuityView or Gaussian? Does the error occur with either? Does this happen at smaller viewing distances as well?