Tell us which features you’d like us to add! Vote on the answers below. If the thing you want isn’t there add it yourself!
Distance dependent effects of scattering (Haze, dust, fog, smoke, particulate matter) as addition to spatial acuity modelling
Landmark-based deformable image alignment as implemented by some Fiji plugins like BigWarp. It would make image alignment so much easier especially for rotations and slight out of plane pictures.
SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) based pattern analyses
Adjustable weightings for the chromatic and luminance thresholds in the RNL clustering
Low-light versions of the RNL model integrated into QCPA
Can we add Affine Align to the Photo Screening workflow?!
Easier ability to input visual system information such as the receptor sensitivities for non-model species (not included in the toolbox).
Hi, yes, that can be a bit tricky! We have tried to give instructions here: Please let us know if we can improve the article. It currently goes pretty much like that: 1. Find your sensitivities 2. transform them into the required format 3. copy paste them into the correct folder. Best, Cedric
Landmark based pattern analyses
Thanks for this suggestion – it prompted me to get on with this feature! Version 2.2.0 introduces the “Affine Align” option for image alignment. If you select this option you need to manually select three pairs of landmarks in the images to align. This allows for image alignment with rotation, skew and scale differences… for now it’s manual, which seems to be a safer bet for now.