I have been trying to create a multispectral image following the “Creating a calibrated mspec image” video, but I have run into a recurring problem. After filling out all the boxes in the same manner as done in the video, I hit “OK” (around 9 minutes into the video) and select my .RAW file, but I get three error messages and nothing loads. The errors I get are:
- “Timeout- DCRAW doesn’t seem to have processed this file”
- “There are no images open in line 63 run (“32-bit<)>;
- “There are no images open in line 363 photoID = getImageID(<)>;
I tried to uninstall and do a clean install of all the programs (ImageJ and micaToolBox) and switched to the micaToolBox v2.1.2beta with LibRAW instead of DCRAW, but have no luck. I’m not sure what step I missed to get my files to open up.
Hi Miriam,
This means something isn’t working with DCRAW/LibRAW. What operating system are you on? On a Mac you sometimes need to copy and paste the entire ImageJ folder to somewhere else on your system before it will work. If you’re on an older version of MacOS you might also need to follow the instructions for compiling your own DCRAW.
Also double check you’ve installed everything correctly (make sure your plugins folder contains the four folders required by the toolbox).
Thank you for the quick response!
I’m currently running the program on Windows. When I downloaded ImageJ it went to my desktop and that’s currently where it is. I’ve tried to move it to Program files(x86) but that did not work, and I couldn’t even open the program.
I followed the micaToolBox install instructions and have all the folders in the plugins folder of ImageJ. I’m not completely sure if I added LibRAW correctly as I couldn’t find any detailed installation instructions. I just dragged the LibRAW folder into my ImageJ plugins similarly to the micaToolBox installation.