i should use the DCRaw tool and i refreshed the toolbox (V2) following the guide’s instructions. But when i open ImageJ “ImageJ -> Plugin -> Micatoolbox -> Micatoolbox” i can not find the function. If i see the ImageJ folder i find the DCRaw folder. Where is the bug?
Thank you very much
DCRaw opener does not work
jolyon Answered question October 2, 2019
Hi Francesca,
From your screenshot it looks like you have your folder structure mixed up. i.e. there should not be a ‘micaToolbox’ tab within a ‘micaToolbox’ tab. I would recommend carefully following the installation instructions here to make sure your folder structure is correct. Let us know if that solves the issue!
DCRaw opener does not work
Cedric van den Berg Answered question October 1, 2019