I am on mac and try to load multispectral image but i’m not able to. I get an error and wasn’t able to solve it. The warning message is this:
“/Applications/ImageJ/plugins/micaToolbox/importSettings.txt(No such file or directory)” in line 55
Line numbre is on clipboard.
Do you have any idea how I can solve this?
I just downloaded the latest version, unziped the file and place it in the “Plugin” folder. So I don’t know what I’m doing wrong… 😉
Thank you for helping me out!
Hi again,
I’ve just solved the issue (i’ve copy paste the folder ‘mica toolbox version 2..1.1’ into plugins, and not just the content of the folder ‘mica toolbox version 2.1.1’)…
Sorry for this!
Glad you’ve fixed it!
I’ve solved the issue!