My research focuses on predation risk in burned versus unburned areas, particularly looking at the Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) and its ability to background match dark burned substrates after a wildfire. To quantify color overlap, we took photos of lizards in the field and utilized the Quantitative Color and Pattern Analysis (QCPA) framework within the micaToolbox plugin in ImageJ to account for how avian predators view the lizards. This allowed us to generate color maps illustrating the lizard’s camouflage effectiveness against substrates. However, I am specifically interested in measuring the “darkness” of lizards in the photos.

What in the RNL metrics represents luminance would this be saturation? From our current output, we get X(red-green wavelengths), Y (yellow-blue wavelengths), and Saturation. So would the “darkness” be the saturation metric? Also, to verify, would the dbl channel in the bluetit model be the luminance? To add, we are not incorporating UV vision.

MicaToolbox to measure “darkness”
Cedric van den Berg Answered question May 10, 2024