I want to add a new data file of receptor sensitivities to the list to create a cone mapping model for a tetrachromatic violet-sensitive (VS) bird vision. I tried to add a file into the ‘Cone Mapping/Receptors” folder, but my file does not appear on the drop down menu in ImageJ.
What am I doing wrong?
In more detail:
VS vision in birds such as honeyeaters and pigeons extends into UV but the peak sensitivity is in the violet region. For now, I want to keep things simple and disregard any signals in the UV. Just to see how this works, I tried to simply trim the columns 300-399 from the receptor spectral sensitivities for the Peafowl – the only bird for which the receptor data are provided with micaToolbox that appears to have VS vision. But the modified file does not appear as an option to select when I try to generate cone mapping model from chart.
Hi Stan,
There is already a supplied “Peafowl LMS 400-700” file, which is perhaps exactly what you need? i.e. VS system without the violet sensitivity (you can’t accurately predict the violet channel without a UV-sensitive camera, but can do the LMS and double).
Otherwise make sure your file is correctly formatted as a .CSV with comma (not tab) delineation.
Hi Jolyon,
Thank you for that. Yes, I saw there is the LMS file for peafowl, but I was hoping to try modelling tetrachromatic vision but ignoring UV (for the moment). I will give it another go. I followed your tutorial on making the colour maps – that worked very well for me for thrichromatic VIS-only systems. Fantastic tool, I hope I can put it to use soon!
Standard visible-range cameras really won’t be able to give reliable VS measurements (though feel free to try and test how well it works). The VS peak is well below the camera’s blue channel, so just doesn’t have the spectral range required.