Hi All –
Can I rotate an image to align a VIS with a UV?
This may be a basic ImageJ question, so apologies if so!
Hi Kate,
[UPDATE] I’ve just added the “Affine align” option in v2.2.0. This lets you specify three or more pairs of anchor points (ideally positioned near the edges of the image), and it will handle rotation, skew, scale and offsets all in one!
Hi Kate,
Currently there is no rotation between visible and UV images. I rarely encountered any instances where this needed to be done because the photos are generally taken from a tripod with only left-right, up-down misalignment.
A messy temporary solution is to use FIJI (rather than ImageJ). The toolbox isn’t designed to work well with FIJI, so you might need to make an unaligned linear reflectance image in ImageJ, save this as a TIFF image, open it in FIJI and go “plugins>registration>Linear Stack Alignment with SIFT”, then tick the “affine” option. Hopefully this will align (including rotation) of all the images. Then you might need to move the image back to ImageJ.